
A good pitch deck is the first step to getting investment!

What is a pitch deck presentation?

A pitch deck is a company presentation that helps potential investors learn more about your business.

It may sound strange, but the main purpose of a pitch deck is not to get funds, but to get to the next meeting.

Funding the project is a multi-step process. A good, informative pitch deck is the first step on the ladder. You have to present an idea to investors and make them interested enough to continue the conversation.

A pitch deck usually consists of several slides that help you tell a compelling story about your business.

At first glance, it may seem that investors need to be provided with as much information as possible. As a founder, every part of your business is important to you. However, the best pitch decks are short and simple.

Experience shows that no more than 10 slides should be included in a pitch deck.

The OneCapital team has developed a convenient pitch deck structure that we apply to many industries and businesses at various stages of development.

We suggest that you to get acquainted with the recommended structure of the pitch deck Structure of the presentation:

  • 1. Information about the team

  • 2. Product/service information

  • 3. Business model

  • 4. Competitive environment and product positioning

  • • Direct competitors / analog products (indirect)

  • • Competitive advantages / positioning in the market

  • 5. Aims and main purposes of fundraising

  • 6. Financial section

  • • Indicators of the market where company operates

  • • Financial indicators of the company (For a already existing business)

  • • Forecast

  • 7. Conditions of partnership with investors

This presentation structure is recommended because it makes it easier for investors to process information and make a decision.

As a rule, the pitch deck takes up to 15-20 minutes of time, during which you should have time to tell and visualize all the information.

What is better to avoid when presenting your project:

  • • One presentation for all
    Different situations will require different presentations. At least for the client and for the investor. In a presentation to a client, you sell a product, offer value. For an investor, the product is not that important. It is much more important to show the team, its indicators and results, prove that you are able to solve the tasks and can be a reliable partner.

  • • Super uniqueness
    Avoid claims like "we're the only company on the market doing this." Most of our investors are likely to know several companies operating in a similar market.

  • • Long descriptions of complex processes
    It may be very important for you to explain how you set up a process, show what tools you used to solve a problem that no one else could solve before you. But do not forget about the main thing - clarity and simplicity. Things that you can explain and that seem very important to you may not be important to our investors. Therefore, in the first place in any presentation and any pitch, there should be a financial component.

  • • Clear
    Before you finish your pitch, don't forget to tell investors what you want from them and what you have to offer. Don't limit yourself to just naming the required amount of funds - tell us what you plan to do with them.

From the investor's side, we always try to respond to your messages and quickly respond to the information that the projects provide.

Form your presentations and send applications through the form on the website or our bot in Telegram.